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Supply chains, logistics, and transportation each have important distinctions. Understanding these differences can make an immense difference in how your goods get delivered to end consumers. In this blog, not only will we help dissect what those distinctions are, but we’ll show you how to execute a more effective distribution management process.

Think about what it takes to get products from point A to point B. It’s not as simple as loading up truckloads of inventory and delivering products to a specific destination. There’s a lot of ground to cover in this process, and plenty of steps must be followed.

Transportation logistics is exclusively about managing material as it moves through the supply chain. This is directly related to how freights are hauled

Transfar CEO

Any successful business owner will tell you that customer service is priority No. 1. But to deliver a valuable experience to your consumers, you need to support them with the final product in the most efficient manner possible. This stage of the distribution process is well-known as the order fulfillment stage. It involves everything from dispatching to merchandising and beyond.

This is the final stage of distribution. Transportation management is all about finding the most optimal source of transportation for product carrying. This process involves managing all inbound and outbound transports. Transportation management incorporates the overall network design of the carrier and its level of flow.

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